Monday, March 24, 2008

doctors are rad

went to the Doctor today. he gave me 3 prescriptions for my sickness. should be better by friday (vegas). yay!

i hear there's a new MacBookPro. i might get it. checking it out tomorrow.

i dont know why, but it drives me absolutely nuts when people use the wrong:
there. they're. their
where. were. we're
to. two. too
if anyone needs explanation id be glad to give it TO you!

im a total nerd. i should just go read a book.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

stealing is bad

almost 2 weeks ago my dad's glasses and wallet came in the mail. half burned and all. sweet. not prepared. complete meltdown.

last week i left my debit card in the ATM after depositing some money. someone took $440 out. rad. i was all bummed so sally came and picked me up. we went out to eat. picked up 2 pints of ben and jerrys phish food and also some reeses crunch and snickers. then picked up a ton of movies and watched and ate all night. great saturday night. seriously.

today i am sick. being sick sucks. im excited to feel better though and am getting excited for vegas again. i want to go to the RVCA art show tomorrow, but not sure if ill be feeling up for it. i had to miss sallys birthday dinner last night, because i wasnt feeling well. im bummed about that, but will have tons of hangout time in vegas.

Monday, March 10, 2008


i am obsessed with the thought of going to london lately. cant stop thinking about it. will it come summer 2008? it's possible if i cant get this out of my head.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


today i went up on my roof and sat in the sun until the fog rolled in. once i got back in, the fog had seemed to pass. i sat in my window and stared at the yellow wild flowers growing in the neighbor's yards. talked to jordan for her drive up to redding. talked to courtney for almost 2 hours. finally felt at total peace while watching into the wild. id highly recommend it. today was a good day.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

tuna. bad for you?

rachel brought over devin, her new brosef. he informed me that i eat too much tuna and im going to get mercury poisoning and go crazy. sick, lets eat baby tuna only!

ps i will not be giving up tuna. i think a little crazy will be good for me.