Friday, September 21, 2007

very long.

Well, the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur. A lot has happened and obviously I haven’t been keeping track of any of it. Ill try to summarize as quickly and accurately as possible.

A couple weeks ago Danny and Gabe drove all the way up from San Luis Obispo to see us. They picked me up from work and we went to meet Kate and lorissa at the Fly bar, we then went to Madrone and danced a little. When we got back to the car, someone had smashed through the window and stole Gabe’s Wii. We were all sad about this and I still feel partly responsible (don’t leave anything sitting in your car in San Francisco). They didn’t take Danny’s new Mac Book or Ipod though, this we were all thankful for. I took them to Haight street to eat of, of course, Citrus club, and we also went to the Mission district and Gabe showed me a store I’d never been to, Paxton’s ___something. We also went to the pirate store next door. Danny and I made Thai food for dinner. Dancing at Delirium. Lo and Theron came over. I made banana pancakes for breakfast. Good times with good people.
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danny, kate, gabe

The next week Sean came (haha, he’s going to kill me for that one) to shoot skate stuff, but was kind of hurt so he just hung out with us. We took him to Haight and Citrus Club…surprise. And went out every night. Met up with Brenton, Logan and TJ, now Joseph. Played pool with Man. Went to Delirium, ate sausages at Gestault Haus.
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There was also another wedding in there. Jenny Brooks (family friend and used to baby sit me…back when moon shoes were SICK) and Cole. The day before we got up early and went to the flower market to get all the flowers for the wedding.

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after we worked all day to help set up the wedding we had 40 minutes to go home and change, but it was beautiful.

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random panty hose by the dance floor. later found out they were Jane Brook's (mother of the bride)

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Dick and Jane (yes I'm serious. Jane is one of my mom's best friends. she's hilarious and inspiring)

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they also had a photobooth. my mom and I.

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my mom and her fabulous friends.

After those pretty major events I was tired, plus I had school and work on top of those things. I was trying to concentrate my energy on that when all of the sudden…Monday night I start feeling sick. Tuesday I wake up and have the full blown flu. Well, I went to school anyway…it’s a 6 hour class and it’s too early in the year to miss school. Went straight home and started freezing up, and woke up sweating like it was Chico in the summer. I went to work yesterday, felt like I was going to die. I spent yesterday on the couch watching Grey’s Anatomy and talked to my parents. When I was talking to my mom I started crying. Man I sucks to be in so much pain with no one to try to make you feel better. These are the times to have a mom around. She offered to come pick me up. Anyway, its now Friday and I’m still feeling like crap. I also haven’t been sleeping for longer than an hour at a time, could be why I started crying from just pure exhaustion. I took myself to the Dr. but they didn’t accept insurance…rates start at $240 and go up from there. That’s without meds. So I left. I went to the USF Hospital, but they said I couldn’t be helped because I didn’t go to school there. So I went and got groceries, I’m not very good at resting I’ve realized. I have been busy watching Narnia, Pride and Prejudice and Grey’s Anatomy. Sam and friends come tomorrow. Man I hope I feel better by that time.

Congratulations if you got all the way through it.

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